Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I have seen so many articles online about feeling beautiful in your own skin. I have a few things to add.

Imagine if you will, about twenty years ago. A two year old Rebekah. Chunky, curly haired, and almost Blonde. (I know. weird) I was the most girly little girl. Dresses. Princesses and Pink. Jump forward to elementary school. I inherited the nickname "scrawny". I had frizzy GIANT hair, and it is almost black. I still loved the dresses and being girly. I wasn't into the princesses (as much) and I hate the color pink. A lot has changed right?

The picture on the left was 7th grade. The picture on the right was about 4th grade. 

I was bullied. People thought it was funny that I was so thin that I could fit in lockers. I was shoved in mine multiple times. In middle school the cool and convenient thing to do was to "set" your lockers. You would put in your combination and leave it so when you came out of class you could just walk right up and open it. I came out of class and saw my locker open, boys going through it, and all my books, papers, and what ever else I had in there strewn all down the hall. I was told that the local thrift shop had just received donations, so I should probably go find some new clothes. I was called dog breath, goth, scrawny, bones, and anorexic. I was told that I looked like somebody that would come to school and kill everyone. I was handed tweezers in the hall and told to go take care of my eyebrows. Freshman year of high school, I LITERALLY had no friends. I sat at lunch alone while people threw their food at me. 

You can imagine the love I had for school back then. My grades suffered, my self confidence suffered, and in turn I didn't like myself for a very long time. I got my braces off, grew into my body a little more, and learned how to tame the hair I have. I tried SO hard to fit in. I wanted people to think that I was pretty. I wanted to have friends. My little sister happens to have super thick hair like me. She is getting ready to turn 15 and does not care one bit what people think of her. I wish that I could have been more like that. I would constantly try and dress her up, do her hair, and tweeze her eyebrows. One day we were getting ready for school and I was so angry that she kept wearing those pants that were way too short and that stupid little kid t-shirt. Her hair was sticking up in six different directions and I just wanted her to change. I wanted so badly for her to not have to go through the things I did at her age. The difference between us was that she is so much more confident that I could ever be. I was so blinded by my big sister tendency to protect her that I didn't see that she didn't need to be protected. I learned that my little sister was going to school and sticking up for herself and the other kids that were being bullied. Her courage and self confidence made me realize what a beautiful young lady she is inside and out.

After I moved out to Utah, I discovered who Rebekah really is. I am one weird chick. I like Star-Wars, and reading. I am the worst cook ever. I trip over nothing more often than I trip over something. I like trying to dance the weirdest way possible. I like singing really badly in the car. I LOVE wearing high heals. I run like a wounded animal. I really like shooting guns. I like to think i'm witty, but i'm usually not. I dream of being a race car driver. I really like doing manual labor, like building stuff. I wish I had more scars. I want to make a difference in the world someday. I don't have one style. Somedays I dress in my cowboy boots, other days I dress like a hipster. Occasionally I wear sweats... (ok, like a lot) I am not defined by who others think I should be. I am who ever I want to be. 

As a young person I was judged by my appearance as a nerd, someone who didn't know how to dress herself. As an adult I am judged as a goody-two-shoes, a snob, someone who only cares about my looks.
 I will tell you this right now. I know better than anybody not to judge a book by its cover. I have met some of the most fantastic, influential, kind-hearted people in all shapes and sizes. 

Show the world who you really are. No matter how strange you think that is. That's what makes us interesting. 

"There is no exquisite beauty, without some strangeness in the proportion"
-Edgar Allan Poe

Until next time..

Friday, March 7, 2014


I am a terrible blogger. I was one hundred and ten percent positive that I promised to write at least once a month. nope. I said once a week. Well here I am writing. Better late than never right? Yeah, my professors don't seem to appreciate that little saying as much as I do. Something about "well you should have turned it in when it was due" yada yada yada. Anywho, that is not what this blog will be about today. I'm actually not sure myself what I will write about. For about four to five months now I've not felt 100%. I'll get a little cough, or a runny nose. But nothing too crazy. I just pound down a gallon of OJ and call it good. As of yesterday morning I am officially sick. Sore throat and all. Fun fact. I still have my tonsils. Even though the doctors have told me multiple times I need to have them removed. I have had strep over 15 times. Back in high school I would get it multiple times a year. I am terrified of surgery. I do not handle pain well. And quite frankly, you can not have my tonsils Mister Doctor Man. They are mine! (insert pre-teen tantrum here)
Ok, Im scared. whatever.
Also fun fact. I still have my wisdom teeth. They are pretty much sideways, and not happy teeth. So They will have to come out eventually too. I am a little sissy pants when I think about being "put under" I don't like it. I DO NOT like it. But, in all honesty, I really want one of those videos of people after getting their wisdom teeth taken out. I just hope I don't say something really embarrassing. Lets just hope for my sake its just rambling gibberish. (kind of like my blog today)

I would like to try something with my readers. (who may or may not just be my mother) (HI MOM)
If you could pretty please comment after reading this, it could just be a smiley face. Or what you thought about what I wrote. Or what you would like me to write about next time. Or questions you have, or advice you need. I am at your service! I would really love it!! (Because I am obviously struggling to come up with my own topics... I just rambled on about my tonsils and wisdom teeth) I really have a lot to say, just maybe not while i'm sick. I promise next week will be better.

Until next time...